Our Story
We remember it was the start of Covid-19 pandemic where all met our
childhood friends and started working on few good causes were helping daily
wage earners to give them food, providing assistance to Covid and other ill
people in getting hospitalized. In some cases, assisted family members of people
who lost their singe earning family member due to Covid-19. While doing this a
thought came to our childhood friend Shri. Rajendra Gopal Poojary’s mind
“why can’t we start an NGO and help people not only in pandemic but also
thought our life and this is how the birth of “Humanity Global Foundation”
We chose to do social work because with this we can do a bit of our duty of
giving back something to the society where we Iive, learned and nourished. Social
work is a gift of which is constantly evolving to meet the needs of society and the
people that it helps. Social work is always varied, it’s challenging, it allows for
creativity and requires a vast amount of transferrable skills all while helping
people and making an impact on their lives.
We feel social work is being able to work with individuals, groups, and
communities, understanding human behavior, and recognizing power
differentials. Social work is multi-disciplinary, seeing things from various
perspectives and consensus-building. Social work is political, respecting diversity,
understanding hidden agendas, and helping others to develop and succeed.
Below are the glimpse of few activities taken care by our NGO Humanity
Global Foundation. This is our contribution to the society at a large and
exemplifying gratitude to the society which has given us so much so far.